

Sunday 16 September 2012

Silence Within

Have you ever felt that there is too much happening in your head? Many years ago a very pretty and very intuitive healer told me I would be successful on many levels if  I got rid of the agitation in my head. At the time I didn't really feel that I was agitated. Consequently I ploughed ahead for many years and, in spite of  frustrations, believed I was Ok.
Within the last year I attended training on Mindfulness. Though the training was geared towards therapists and I don't work as a therapist, I just thought that the basics of Mindfulness are "therapist-independent". As I started the exercises presented on the training, I became aware, in real terms, of the message my pretty intuitive healer told me so many years back. My mind was all over the place.
I learned how to bring it "back to the breath" and at the same time be accepting of everything I experienced - even if I did not totally agree with it -. With this catalyst, I began to go back to the many holistic practices I had learned over the years, I even went back to my Christian practices and they all became imbued with a new light.
Many people tell me I'm bright. Mindfulness has taught me that excessive brightness which is only in the head can appear very logical, in living life terms, can be very much off target. I experience this daily at corporation level where plausable and logical policies are totally off target at ground level.
Take fifteen to twenty minutes a day, sit in a quiet place and simply contemplate your breath. If your mind wonders, acknowledge it (without fighting with it) and return to the contemplation of your breath. It's really that simple

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